How To Make Your Own Supplements

Making your own line of supplements is easier than you might have thought, but it takes some careful setup and vetting. This process will be done through an outsourced manufacturer, so you need to pick the right option before you can launch your supplement and start making money.

This guide will teach you exactly how to make your own supplements. In the following sections, our team at Bactolac Pharmaceutical will provide helpful definitions, useful step-by-step instructions, and critical considerations to make before you get started.

How to Create Your Own Supplements

Knowing how to make your own supplements boils down to knowing how to partner with the right supplement manufacturer. In most cases, companies will source their supplement manufacturing to an outside expert. Going through the testing, formulization, quality checks, and physical production is typically too much for any vitamin or supplement company to do — especially for smaller companies. All of these steps become increasingly expensive and time consuming to do in-house.

How can you make your own supplements? By choosing a high-quality supplement manufacturer to work with.

Importance of the Right Supplements Partner

Picking your manufacturing partner is a very important decision. It’s not as simple as picking a company that knows how to make supplements — you need to pick a partner that can grow with you and meet your demands.

This company will be the team that tests, produces, and sends your supplements to your storage or processing facility. As you look across the internet, you’ll find a lot of different companies claiming to be a good partner, but you need to do your homework. Picking your supplement manufacturer is incredibly important.

Your Partner Determines Your Production Scale and Pricing

 Since the manufacturer will be physically making the product, their production schedule and pricing will directly impact your production scale and pricing. If they can only make 100,000 supplements a year, then you can only sell that many.

You Need a Manufacturer That Can Grow With You

All manufacturers have a production limit, so you should understand that before making any commitments. You should pick a shop that can grow as your business scales, otherwise you’ll need to look for a new partner every time your business grows.

Your Partner Choice Limits the Supplements You Can Make

Different supplement manufacturers can only create specific types of supplements. Knowing how to create a supplement formula is very different from knowing how to make a fitness supplement, so you should only work with manufacturers that have experience in your specific niche.

The Phases of Creating Your Own Supplements

Diving into how to make your own supplements usually breaks down into a few specific steps. This section will cover how to create your own supplements with step-by-step instructions, so you have a better understanding of how to get started.

Phase 1: Conceptualization and Market Analysis

Every great product starts off as a concept. In this first phase, you want to understand what product you want to make. This could be a general idea, or a more specific product that achieves certain goals. Try to answer the following questions:

  • Who is your target audience?
  • What type of supplement do you want to make?
  • What problem will your product solve?
  • What is the need for your product within the current market?

With more homework done during this phase, all subsequent phases will be easier. Remember to write down all of the information you put together in this phase.

It’s also a good idea to do some preliminary market analysis. Learn who your competitors will be and come up with your mission statement or goals that will set you apart from these competitors.

Phase 2: Company Consultation and Formulization

With a good idea of what you want to make, it’s time to pick your supplement manufacturing partner. This is the company that will handle all of the testing, formulation, and manufacturing of your supplements.

The right partner will work with you as your company grows and the demand for your supplement hits new peaks.

Phase 3: Prototype Manufacturing, Testing, and Feedback

Phase 3 revolves around making the first batch of supplements. This isn’t a full-scale production run. Instead, you want to make a few pills that you can test and then listen to feedback. A good manufacturer will have in-house product testing services to simplify this process.

The main takeaway from this phase is simply: Does your product meet the needs and requirements that you determined in phase 1?

Phase 4: Full-Scale Production

If the product meets your standards, then you’re ready for full-scale production. Your supplement manufacturer will handle the fabrication of your supplements. This frees you up to start working with local stores or creating your own ecommerce site to sell your product and start making money.


Here we’ve covered why it’s important to pick the right manufacturing partner and some step-by-step instructions. To get the best results, consider Bactolac as your high-quality nutritional supplement manufacturer of choice. We offer in-house formulizing, testing, taste testing, and full-scale production.