Bactolac Pharmaceutical has spent more than two decades establishing itself as the premier vegetable and fruit powder manufacturer of greens and berry powders. Greens and berries are a powerful Mega-Food, providing phytonutrients, probiotics, digestive enzymes, berries, antioxidants and MSM for joint health and strong immune-boosting properties. Bactolac will provide the support – from formulation to finished product – to bring your product to market, with only the most natural, organic and raw ingredients available today. All of which are available onsite.
The choice of ingredients to include in a greens or reds powder is incredibly diverse. We promise to source the best herbs, grasses, fruits and greens powders, enzymes and probiotics to add the most value to your formula, without any added stress to you.
Developing a berry or super greens protein powder with a diverse formula and remarkable ingredients is no small task and we pride ourselves on being the best vegetable powder manufacturer to develop these products, regardless if you are an established brand or emerging startup.
To be competitive, fruit and vegetable powder supplements must deliver exceptional wholefood nutrients with a flavor profile that delights their customers. Bactolac Pharmaceutical has the capacity to develop greens and berry powders that are organic, gluten-free, vegan, non-GMO and with remarkable and unique flavor combinations that give your product true differentiation. Moreover, as leading fruit and vegetable powder manufacturers, we maintain certifications with industry-leading organizations to ensure quality.
Reach out to us to learn more!